segment eleven

"This is not going to work!" I exclaimed and took off my sunnies.

I was sitting in the last row with my sunglasses on. I couldn't see the screen, let alone the people around us. Jennifer nodded and handed me her sunnies which Ike had loaned her.

The theatre was very cold! I felt goosebumps form on my arm and I shivered.

"Are you cold?" Jen asked suddenly.

"Well, what do you expect? They made the temperature ten degrees in her," I said again and settled down in my seat.

"Does this help?" she asked and leaned her head against me.

I smiled. "Yea," I whispered to her.

Jennifer smiled back and we both turned to watch the beginning of the movie. We'd both agreed on the new movie Can't Hardly Wait. It seemed interesting enough.

I placed my arm around Jen and felt her move in closer towards me. So far, I loved how my day was going. And things were finally working out between the two of us. I wonder whether she thought about me all that time we were apart? I thought and leaned my head against hers.

"Jenny-poos," I whispered in a barely audible voice.

"What?" she answered back in the same voice I had.

I turned and looked at Jen. Her eyes shined from the light of the movie screen. I was speechless.

"Uh... Nothing," I muttered and sat foward again.

"Oh, Okay," she said in a disappointed voice.

As I tried to concentrate again on the movie, I felt my eyes turn towards her every now and then, before I caught myself and tried to concentrate on the movie again. But I couldn't help it! She looked so beautiful and peaceful next to me in the dark.

"Someone call heaven... I think they forgot an angel," I breathed out in a mumble-jumble sentence.

Did I say that outloud?

"Did you say something?" Jennifer asked me and gave me a confused look.

"Oh... uh.. the time is eleven and, look, I think I see my friend Rachel!" I spat out and pointed at a random girl close by.

"Cool. You'll have to introduce me."

She didn't seem to notice my nervousness. Instead, Jennifer just sighed heavily and got comfortable in the seat again. I sighed just as she had and blinked twice out of wonder at what I was doing making up excuses for silly things!

"No, actually, what I meant to say was..."

"Huh?" she asked and faced me once again.

"Well... this," I said quickly and kissed her.

Jennifer didn't object as I pulled her close and kissed her again. I could even taste the sweetness of the strawberry kiwi lip gloss that she was wearing.

She put her arm around me and hugged me tight before her lips unlocked with mine. I felt myself blush a little and was surprised at how straight foward I'd been with that one kiss.

Jen smiled sweetly and looked down at the seat. She was bitting her lip and glancing around as if looking for someone who was spying on us... watching and observing every single detail.

"It's alright. Everyone's watching the movie," I said to comfort her.

"I know... I know. I'm just... worried. It's almost as if I feel guilty about dating you." She laughed. "And this is only our first date!"

"Second," I corrected. "Remember Mark?"

I gave her a quick stare before the two of us giggled softly.

"That wasn't an official date, remember? It was a hangout... I think," she said and returned to her position, leaning against me again.

"Nah, it's a date to me!"

Suddenly, I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and found myself looking into the eyes of a not too happy man who was sitting next to me. He looked about 50 or 60 and was missing hair on the top of his head. What's a guy his age doing at a movie like this?

"Excuse me," the man said in a tired voice. "Could you please keep your voices down? My wife and I are trying to enjoy the movie."

I smiled innocently. "Sure," I said.

Fortunetely, I followed orders and decided to stick to enjoying the movie. My arm was still around Jen as I turned to stare at the screen once again. Jennifer handed me the bag of popcorn we'd bought and I grabbed a handful.

As I sat there, only managing to take small nibbles, I silently hoped I was right about keeping things a harmless secret. But I was beginning to wonder if maybe, just possibly, someone would find out...

* * *

"Taylor, trust me! No one will be able to tell that it's really you!" Jennifer insured me as we headed for our spot that we were planning to catch up with the others.

I had just spent an entire ten minutes in the men's room fixing up my hair to make sure it was almsot completely covered by my Yankees baseball cap. I especially fussed over my rat tail. It just wouldn't stay hidden!

Jen was trying to convince me that my cover-up was perfectly fine. "Tay, I can't even recognize you. I almost didn't when you walked out of the bathroom."

"Uh, I dunno. I do look a little odd, don't I? I mean, isn't it a dead give away since I'm wearing and hat and sunglasses inside of a dark building!"

She laughed. "Look, lots of people do that!" she said and pointed at random people strutting past us. "Trust me, you look like someone I don't know. Ahh! I'm dating a complete stranger!"

I laughed in amusement and stared out past the crowd longingly, hoping Alley and Isaac would show up soon. We had been waiting long enough and had successfully finished off the last of the popcorn and soda from the movie.

I glanced over in the direction of the food court and felt my stomach churn. I don't know why I was suddenly hungry again after all those snacks I'd devoured in the theatre.

Jen caught my gaze and stood in front of me with a confused look spread across her face. "Tay, don't tell me you're starving for more food already!" she exclaimed.

"Don't use my name here," I whispered quickly. "And I'm not starving... just suddenly craving the nice and yummy food here at the mall."

I gave Jen a big smile along with a quick hug.

"Okay, Tyler, get over it! You're acting like Zac!"

"I am not. Besides, Zac's not that obsessed with food!"

I laughed. "Lay off him... he's my lil' bro!" I said.

"I know, I know... hey, look! There's Ilex and Ake!" Jen exclaimed.

I gave her a very confused look. "Did you just say Ilex and Ake? Are you feeling okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I do that a lot," she grinned.

"Uh-huh... very interesting."

Sure enough, I turned my head and spotted the two skipping towards us. Isaac was sticking to sunglasses - without the hat - and Alex was her normal self. As they marched up to us, I gave them a big smile along with an 'it's about time' glare.

"Her Ake! Hey Ilex!" I said quickly without looking up at them.

Jennifer began laughing and Isaac quietly asked her, "What's wrong with blondie over here?"

"He's having a bad day," she gave me a cute look, hoping that I'd heard hear.

"Har har har," I said and put on a weird face. "You two are so funny."

"Taylor, calm down," Jen said and took my hand. I starting walking towards the food court when I realized that no one else was following me. I stopped in my tracks and spun around.

"Well, are you guys coming?" I asked.

Alex suddenly began giggling furiously and staring straight at me. Jennifer was shaking her head and laughing along. Did I miss something?

I shrugged and looked around and saw that Ike was suddenly trying to contain his laughing. I frantically searched for something that all three of them could be finding so funny.

No one was telling me anything! "Alright, enough is enough. What is so funny!?"

No one answered me. Instead, with their faces still red from laughing, they turned away and Alex began whistling and acting casual. I looked desperately at Jen for help.

"Your shirt," she mouthed and I looked down quickly.

"Now tell me, Taylor, have you ever heard of something called a napkin?" Alex teased and began laughing again.

I gulped nervously and glanced down. Sure enough, the damage had been done.

"Oh shit!" I said. I had hoped that no one would have to noticed such a small thing. The little mess that I'd wiped on my previously clean shirt in the theatres. I hadn't thought of what could have happened, but I realized that I had thought wrong.

I looked horrible! There was butter and grease from the popcorn, with little drips from the Coke. The whole mess was one smeared blob. Why hadn't I noticed this in the bathroom? Ugh, if only I hadn't been so worried about my hair!

I blushed and looked up sheepishly. Why this on my first date? And why did it have to be one of my good friends to point it out to everyone?

"Just be glad that I'm in a good mood," I snapped and gave her a hard glare. "I know the whole world is on a mission to ruin my life, but that's no excuse for you to make fun of my creative messes," I added sarcastically.

"And what a mess it is!"

"Hey, I'm not messy! I'm organazationally challenged! Right, Jennifer?"


"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm very hungry for a corn dog," I said and dug into my pockets for some extra cash.

As I stood in line, I watched the others head for a table and gather around while still laughing out of control. I let out a sigh and crossed my arms, praying that no one else would notice me as 'the dork wearing a hat and sunglasses inside along with a huge mess of food on his shirt!'

I leaned foward a bit to observe the other people in line - just in case there was someone I knew. I sighed when I discovered that no one in the line was under eighteen except for me and one other guy. He even looked familiar! I just couldn't put my finger on where I'd seen him from.

My mind wandered until I finally made it to the front and ordered my corn dog. But my eyes landed on the same guy from before. Alright, this is freaky, but I know I have seen him somewhere before!

I sighed and turned back to look for the table that my friends were sitting at. That's when I discovered that the same teen from before was already by their side.

"Hey there," I heard him say... to Jennifer.

The grip tightened on my corn dog and I glared at the back of his head as if hoping to mess up his brain with the rays shooting out of my eyes.

Jen looked up and let out a groan. "Uh... Mark... why are you here... in Tulsa?"

"I was just about to ask you the same question."

My feet froze and I couldn't move. That was... Mark? The same Mark that Jen knew back in her hometown. No wonder he looked familiar! I had to hide! I wasn't in the mood suddenly to start a fight here and cause a scene. That would be a free trip to giving my identity away!

Besides, I couldn't even hit anyone with my good arm without grimacing in pain! I haven't been able to since the train accident. I had broken my arm along with many other fractures.

All I could do was stand and watch. I saw that Ike had already taken back his sunnies and had turned away so he wasn't recognized.

"I'm here with a friend, what about you?" Jennifer continued.

"My dad's on a business trip and he brought the whole family along. So, how's your arm?"

"It's fine, thank you."

"Well, good. Of course, my car's fine now after your little Hanson friend's paid me their fines," he said with a sly grin. You could tell he was enjoying it. I took a bite of my corn dog and managed to stay calm.

"Oh, lay off it, Mark! You know that they were the ones who got hurt more than me! Besides, it wasn't even their fault!" she yelled defensively.

"Not their fault? The oldest fag practically tried to kill you by crossing those tracks... and with my car!" he added.

I could see Jen's fists tighten and her face get all red. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't.

Ike had somehow made himself invisible and pretended to be looking at some artwork hanging on the walls of the mall. Alex was frozen still staring at the two arguing teens and wondering what was going on.

"At least you didn't have to live through the experience. Geeze, why did you have to show up here? I was fine before you came along!" she wailed and glanced over at me for a split second.

Seeing I wasn't about to help, Jen was forced to take matters back into her own hands. "Mark, I'll give you to the count of three to get your ugly ass out of here before I... before I..."

"Before you what? Before you turn your little Hanson friends on me? Especially that Tyler! I'm sure he'd like a chance at busting my nose open again!"

Jennifer glanced over at me again for help. She was stuck.

"Just leave," I mouthed silently.

She turned back to Mark. "Look, I have to go. My ride is going to be here soon," she said quietly and put her hand to her head as if the dork was giving her a head ache. And knowing Mark, he probably was.

I headed towards the entrance to the mall and watched Jennifer, Alex, and Isaac take off towards me... leaving Mark with a huge grin on his face.

"Don't ever leave me alone with that creep again," she said nearly in tears as she ran over to hug me.

I tossed my corn dog in a nearby trash. I just wasn't hungry anymore.

"It's okay now," I cooed.

"No, it's not. Once I go back home, he'll be there still! You don't know what it's like. Mark doesn't realize how serious everything was. Getting hit by a train isn't exactly a joke," she said as the four of us walked towards the car in the parking lot.

"Jennifer, it's okay now. You're spending the entire summer with me! You won't have to worry about him!" I told her again.

"I know... but he just brings back bad memories," Jennifer rubbed her eyes.

I placed my arm around her waist and she did the same.

"Um... sorry to interupt, but could you please tell me what's going on?" Alex asked innocently.

"It's a long story," Isaac pipped up. "I'll tell it to ya when we get back home."

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