Frequently Asked Questions About Jennifer's Hanson Stories

Frequently Asked Question

Why does it take so long for you to update?
Well, it's a long story, but unlike most web author's, I can't update anytime I want to! I don't have my own computer *gasp*. Well, I do actually, but it wasn't made in the '90s! I use my dad's computer in his office at work to update and do everything possible on the net. I wish I could update everyday, but I can't. I suggest you join my updates list and wait for updates through mail!

How often DO you update?
I try and update at least once every week, but it all depends a on a lot. First off, I have to actually write a chapter or more to put up. Second, I have to beg my dad to bring me to work.

Which characters are based on real people?
A lot of them actually. Taylor, Isaac, and Zac and their family of course! But besides them, Jennifer is based on me. Emily, Nancy, Amy, Sylvia, Jessica, and all the others are based on real life friends of mine. Mark, from my first story isn't based on one person, but a few people put together. Tommy is (sadly) a real person. And yes he know's about his role in both stories and is actually prowd of it (I can just picture him cracking up over this!). Alex is a made up character. My family who has a big role in my first story is, of course, real, too! I think there are a few others, but I can't think of them now!

Is Jennifer based on you?
Yup, in a way she is. Jen has the same name as me and lives in the same town with the same family as me, but in a way, she isn't me! Actually, I just enjoy putting myself in all of this mess. I have a slightly different personality in this story to make it more interesting. I wouldn't exactly act 100% like the way I do most of the time in my stories. I'm not as loud to strangers... like the doctor in the first story. I wouldn't actually go up and yell at a random person like that. I also am a whole lot more shy. But my friends can tell you different because I'm very loud around them. I wouldn't really say and act towards Taylor the way I did a lot in here either. Basically, what I'm trying to say is, don't think of the girl in my stories as ME, think of her as YOU with a different name. I find that I enjoy most stories when I do that :0)

Do Ike, Tay, and Zac really act like this?
Um... I don't know! I don't spend 24 hours a day hanging around them, although that sounds fun. I have no way of telling if the way I made up their personalities in mt mind is accurate or not. Just please don't assume that they do think and act like this! I have no way of knowing, okay? There, now that we got that cleared up... next...

Are these stories true?
Of course they're true! What made you think twice about that. Yes, Hanson has been in an accident before, Taylor is going out with a girl named Jennifer, they have performed in Blacksburg, Virginia, and Hanson's family has spent a lot of time there too! All right... enough sarcasim... think about it! How could this be true? I garantee you that this story is 100% fiction and made up in the deep, dark, mysterious imagination that I own. All scenes that are related to real life are purely coincidental. Thank you!

All those spelling mistakes get annoying. Why don't you fix them?
This is something I hear about A LOT! *sigh* I'm not the best speller in the world... infact, I'm really bad with it! Most of the time, though, the mistakes are just typos. I would go back and fix them and I probably will eventually, but that will be once I'm done writing the entire story. I don't have all the time in the world since I have to use my dad's computer. I have a lot more I need to do in a small amount of time so correcting mistakes comes last. Please just ignore them and read on...

Your story sucks! I've read better!
Alright, alright, this isn't a question, but it's something I get a lot in the mail. Peeps, if you don't like my story that's fine. Please keep your comments to yourself. But if you really want to tell me it sucks please at least give a reason for what you think! And before you mail me, consider how you'd make me feel, or anyone else for that matter, if you just went and put down their work that they put lots of time and effort into making. Maybe you should write your own story and see how it feels...

Are the email addresses and Zac and Tay's addresses?
No.. sadly, they aren't. A lot of you seem to think so. No, they are not Hanson's private email addresses. The emails belong to me. So, please, try to cut back on the love letters:)

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