segment six

We hopped out of the van onto our driveway and I caught Jen staring out the house with a smile on her face. Of course she was happy. She was still a fan and most fans, I guess, would love getting a glimpse of our house. On her face, I could tell that she enjoyed the sight because it was a piece of me.

"Taylor, why don't you take Jennifer up to the guestroom," my mom told me.

"Okey dokey," I replied and grabbed her bags. "C'mon," I said and motioned for Jen to follow.

I entered the house and looked back at her to see the reaction on her face. It was just as happy as before. "Nice house," I heard her mumble and glance around.

The others began piling in the doorway as I led Jennifer down the hall to our guestroom.

"This is where you'll stay for now," I said and set her bag down on the table.

Jennifer went over to sit down on our comfy double bed. "Cool room!" she exclaimed.

"Oh, I almost forgot," I remembered quickly and rushed down the hall to my room. I returned carrying our small, black lap-top. "You can use my computer whenever you want to," I said and set it on the table next to the travel bags.

Jen looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks. You read my mind."

"Well, that's what I do best. I'm psychic, remember?" I joked and closed my eyes while pointing at her and pretending to see into her mind.

Suddenly, there was a faint ring that spead through the house. It was the doorbell.

"I'll be right back," I told Jen and ran out of the room. "Hello? Is anyone else gonna answer it?" I asked thin air to see if someone else would come and take my place.

My answer was just another ring of the bell. "Fine, don't get it. I'll answer it," I said and reached for the doorknob.

Slowly, I creaked the front door open a crack. Alex was standing there patiently with a look of confusion on her face.

"It took you long enough to open the door," she mumbled. "So, is she here?"


"No, the other girl I email all the time," she said sarcastically and put her hands on her hips.

I smiled. "She's-" I barely had to say a thing because Alex had already left the front stoop and was on the way to her room. "Okay... find her yourself," I said quietly and shut the door.

I ran into her again, halfway down the hallway. "Where is she?"

"Um, duh, Alex! Think about it. She's in the guestroom!" I said and dragged her towards it.

"Oh... I knew that!" she said pathetically. I just gave her a quick look and dragged her along farther.

"Hey Jennifer. Someone's here to see you," I called as I pushed Alex into the room.

I saw Jen's eyes get big with surprise. Alexis did the same. Obviously, they both knew each other well enough.


"Jennifer!? Oh my God, cool!"

Jennifer stood up from the bed and looked speechless. Alex did the exact same. "So, what's up?" they suddenly said at the same time. Then they laughed.

"This is so awsome," Jennifer exclaimed.

"This is probably the most awsome summer ever!"

"No kidding! I'm actually standing here... in the same room as you."

"That's so cool!"

I laughed at how stupid they both sounded. Imagine, acting strange just because you meet someone!

"Okay, are you two just gonna stand there all day or can we move on to a different time passer?" I joked. The girls laughed and I gave them a nice wide grin.

"Yea, you're right," Jen agreed. "Can we go on the computer?"

I tried to keep in my laughter. "The computer nerd strikes again," I said softly, but Jennifer heard.

"Ha ha, Taylor. Okay, so what do you want to do?"

"Want to go rollarblading?" Alex suggested.

"Not really. Maybe tommorow or something. I'm not in the mood to search for my skates right now," I said wearily.

"Okay... what do you wanna do then?" Jen asked stubbornly.

"Um, how about renting a movie?" Alex suggested.

"Too boring," I said and Jennifer nodded.

"You could show me around Tulsa," she threw in a new suggestion.

"That could be fun!" Alex said and looked over at me.

I shrugged. "Okay then, it's settled. Let's go. Jen, I've got so many neat-o places to show you!" Alex exclaimed.

Lazily, I followed Alex and Jennifer outside where they were already skipping up the driveway and chatting like old friends. Zac was already playing basketball in the driveway with little Mackenzie begging for a chance to make a basket.

My two younger brothers turned to look our way and Zac gave me a sly grin. I shook my head and ran to catch up with the two girls already a few houses in front of me.

"Tay, what should we show her first?" Alex asked me as I came into view.

"I dunno. You decide," I said and slowed my pace to match theirs.

"Well, I think we should make a stop at my house first," she said with a grin.

"Uh-huh, whatever. Jen, what do you want to see?" I asked.

"What's interesting in this town?"

"Well, nothing really that's close enough to walk to. We'd have to get someone to drive us," Alex told her. Then with a sly grin, she added, "So, I guess that leaves us with my house!"

We both turned and looked at her like she was a weirdo! "What?" she asked innocently.

"Nothing," Jen and I both replied.

Instead of heading straight for Alex's house, she agreed that we could at least look around the neighborhood first. I showed Jennifer each house that a friend of mine lived in, including Alex's. She begged to take us both inside, but we refused.

The neighborhood dogs ran up to sniff us all and barked happily. It was a nice and hot June day. There was no sign of any wind or any rainstorms either. It had to be pretty hot, considering my shirt was already sticking to me.

After we managed to drag ourselves inside, we decided that sitting around the house and talking could be a fine start. Especially since Alex had some catching up to do with Jen. I have to admit that I was feeling a little left out. The two girls were acting like best friends, who needed a boy hanging around?

They'd sit and chat among themselves, forgeting I was in the same room. It was unfair! Then again, I guess girls can be girls. Talk, talk, and talk some more.

Isaac walked into the room and started looking around as if he'd lost something. Then he noticed me, being ignored.

"Look's like you're an outcast today, Tay. Hey that ryhmes!" he said with a grin.

I glared at him. "They abandoned me," I said flatly.

"Oh, boo hoo. Well, they've just met face to face. What did you expect?"

"Well, I'm fine. I'll have all the time to talk to Jen later on."

"Yea, or more than that," Ike said with a laugh.

"Shut up!" I said and hit him with a pillow. "We're only friends."

"I was just kidding," he said and rubbed his arm.

"I know, but don't say that when she's in the same room as me," I whispered through my teeth.

"It's not like she's listening anyway," Ike said and looked over at Jennifer.

"Yea, well, she's got good hearing," I said quickly before thinking of how stupid I'd sound.

Isaac shook his head sadly. "Taylor, you are a sad, strange, little man."

"Oh yea, you're a... a... a tall, weird, annoying man!" I said and started laughing at myself.

"Taylor, Taylor, Taylor. What's wrong with you now? It's okay. Now stop with the laughing fit," said a girl's voice.

I glanced up while still laughing and saw Jennifer smiling over me. "Oh, hi!" I said and went on giggling wildly.

"That's it. He's totally lost it," she said.

"I'll say!" Alex agreed, walking up to us.

"At least you don't have to deal with him as a brother," Ike said sarcastically and smiled as he left the room.

"Okay, Tay-Tay. It's time for your medication," Alex said in a babyish voice.

I slowed my laughing down, realizing how weird I probably looked. Maybe I had to much sugar or something. But I certainly didn't remember eating anything sugary. Now I was acting like a hyper idiot!

"I'm fine, really. I'm fine. I hic!"

Oh dang I thought and covered my mouth with my hand. "I've got hiccups," I said in a mumbled voice.

"Well, then... BOO!" Jennifer said and jumped at me. "Did that help?"

That just caused me to laugh, which made her laugh. "Hic!" I said again.

"You're both crazy," Alex exclaimed. "Now stop scaring me!"

"Oh, be quiet. Hic!" I said with another laugh.

"Jennifer, watch out for him," she said.

At that moment, Zac ran into the room, carrying our portable phone. "Alex, your mom's on the phone," he said and handed it to her.

Jen and I got quiet. "Yea, mom. I'm at Tay's.... Aw, do I have to?... No, I didn't... why?... okay, okay... I'll be right over... uh-huh, love ya... buh-bye!" she said and hung up with a disappointed look on her face. "My mom wants me back home before dark and, well, she considers this before dark," Alex shrugged.

"Uh, do you have to leave?" Jen pleaded.


"That stinks!"

"No kidding!" I agreed, but I have to admit that I was a tad bit happy that I wouldn't be ignored anymore.

"Jen, I'll be right back," I said and lead Alex out of the room andto the front of the house. "Alley, what do ya think of her?" I asked.

"Jen is way cool! Awsome in person! Can I come back tommorow?"

"Um... I dunno, but I don't think so. I think we're just going to lay around the house and catch up on what we've missed," I told her.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'll catch you later," she stepped outside and ran down the driveway while waving and smiling.

"Tootles!" I called before slamming the door shut and returning to my room where Jennifer was waiting.

Zac was in there too. He and Jen were talking while sitting comfortably on my bed. "Hey guys!" I greeted them.

They both looked up. "Hi Taylor."

"Hey," I said again.

A grin formed on Jennifer's face as she glanced from me to Zac. "So, now can we go on the computer?"

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