segment four

Jennifer skated ahead most of the time while I dragged behind to look at the sights around me. Jennifer had seem them more times than she could count, but I'd barely ever stopped to look. It was all so relaxing. It took about half an hour or maybe a little less to skate all the way to the nearest fast food restraunt, but it was definetely worth it. I was also a cause for the delay from taking my good old time.

McDonald's wasn't exactly a first class dinner to take a girl out to, but Jen didn't seem to mind. I guess she was just as happy to see me as I was to see her. I watched contently as she pointed out the food that she wanted and showed the lady at the front cash register. Once we had paid for our food, we brought it out to a window booth and sat down, with Jennifer across from me.

"So, how are you doing... on the subject of the accident," I asked softly to start up a conversation.

Jennifer looked up at me with a smile. "I'm fine, I guess. Sometimes I still hurt all over and I still get horrible nightmares about the accident, but basically, I'm fine."

I nodded.

"Oh, let me show you something," she added and rolled up her left shirt sleeve.

There, on her arm, was a huge mark... a scar. It looked like a cut that had healed up without a scab. It was basically just a red indent.

"It doesn't bother me much and no one really notices unless I show it to them. I have you to thank for it."

"Why? What did I do?" I asked innocently.

"You were in the way when the car toppled over. You sort of knocked me in a different direction when I hit the car hard and that's when I broke my arm," she said and laughed.

I laughed too, even though I couldn't exactly figure out how that was funny. "Yea, well, I've got a few of those too, but I cover them with make-up," I said in a bragging fashion.

"Lucky you!"

"None of the fans can sympathize for me. Oh, what did you think of that rollarblading accident story we made up? My God, you should see all the cards and teddy bears I got for my injuries!"

"It sure caused a lot of damage when you fell into that ditch," she said sarcastically.

"Uh huh," I said and took a bite of my cheeseburger.

"Alright, Tay," Jen said after taking a few bites of her fries. "Why did you come here to see me?"

I smiled slyly and began, "Well, in order for me to tell you, you have to answer a quick question from me first."

"Okay, shoot!"

"Well... what would you say if I asked you to come on the tour with us?" I asked quietly.

I watched then as Jennifer halariously spit out her soda all over the table. "Huh?"

"Would you like to spend the summer with me?" I asked again and got more excited about the thought of her by my side the whole season.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"Well... gee... um... I dunno what to say! Uh, I... I'd love to.. yea, of course I will!" she said excitingly with a small laugh. "Oh my God, this can't be happening..."

"That's great!" I cried with relief. "We'll be able to spend the entire summer together!"

Then, we were silent. I don't know why, but we just didn't feel like saying anything. It was too quiet. "Taylor," I heard Jen whisper.


"Why do you want me to be there while you tour?"

I was surprised. "Well, that's nice! Jennifer, we're friends! Friends are supposed to stick together," I told her.

"Yea, I knew that, but... is there more?" I wasn't quite sure at what she was getting at.

"I missed you. I wanted to see you again."

"But you've barely been gone!"

"So... I can't help it," I said sheepishly. Jennifer gave me a look that said she didn't buy it.

"So, you dragged yourself all the way over to Virginia to see me?" she asked doubtfully.

"Not just me, my brothers too."

"Ike and Zac are here?" she asked happily.

"Yea, they're over at the motel. Do you wanna come over after we eat. You can say hi to 'em if you want?"

"Sure! I'd love to. There's just one thing... I'm sure my mom will let me go with you because I don't think I have any summer camps planned. I was just going to sit around in front of the computer all summer.... But, I have just one more day of school left. We get out tommorow. You'll have to wait here another day," she said.

"So? That's no problem. Just, why did you have to study last minute for a test that you'll take on the last day?"

"It was the teacher's idea. They thought it would be fun to have something like that on the last day to compare with next years work or something... oh, I don't know! Teachers are teachers!"

I laughed at Jen as we quickly finished up the food we had sitting in front of us and getting cold. We walked out of the fast food restraunt a few minutes later with drinks to go in our hands. Jennifer waved at someone across the street at another food area. I followed her gaze and saw who it was.

"Nancy!" I called and waved frantically, just like Jen was.

Nancy ran over to us with a look of surprise on her face. "Hey Jen! Taylor, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I came to hang with Jennifer!" I said.

"Cool," she replied and smiled at me.

"Guess what?" Jennifer quized her friend.



"Oh, come on. You know I hate guessing games!"

"Oh, fine. I'm spending the summer with Taylor," Jennifer said in a shy voice. I felt myself blush.

"Oh my God! You are so lucky. And Tay, you are so nice!" she said looking into my eyes.

"Gee, thanks," I said and looked down at my feet.

"So, where are you headed to?" Jen asked.

"No place special. I was just hanging out here and Sylvia took off somewhere and abandoned me! I'm trying to find her. Have you seen her?" Nancy said and took a glance around.

I guessed that Sylvia was one of her friends. If I'm not mistaken, she was at the concert we had in Blacksburg.

Nancy walked with us while we bladed slowly. While in the middle of talking with Jen about the end of school, they spotted Sylvia across the street and we said our good-byes.

"Bye Jen! See you at school tommorow. See ya Taylor!" she called and headed down the street.

I turned to Jennifer. "Well, should we head for the motel?"

"Let's!" she agreed and we linked our arms and rollarbladed off towards the building not far away.

* * *

"Zac, don't leave your underwear on the bed like that! Nobody else will pick it up," we heard Isaac complain from inside the motel room.

"Shhh. They're having a family disagreement," I whispered to Jennifer and turned the doorknob. "Hey guys!" I peeked through the doorway.

"Oh, hi Tay," Zac said innocently while trying to hide his boxers behind his back. "How's Jennifer?"

"Well, why don't you just ask her yourself," I said and opened the door to its fullest.

Jen stood there and smiled as Zac dropped his boxers to the floor out of view. Zac ran up to her and gave her a huge hug.

"Jenny-poos! You've come to hang with uncle Zaccy, haven't you?" he said and stepped back to get a good look at her. Jen just laughed quietly and muttered something to him under her breath.

Then I watched as Zac made history repeat itself by taking out his gum and forcing it into Jennifer's hand. She stared down at it in amusement.

"Cute, Zac. Real cute," she joked and laughed.

"So, what brings ya to this town?" Zac asked.

"Well, maybe it's 'cause I live here, Zac-man! Besides, I had to stop by and say hi!"

"Hey Jenny," Ike said after being quiet in the back of the room.

"Hello Ikey-poos. What's up?"

"Nothing, except that I was teaching Zac how to pick up his belongings," he said giving Zac the look.

Zac began innocently scanning the room and whistling. I laughed.

"So, are ya excited about coming along?" Isaac asked her.

"I sure am!" Jennifer exclaimed as she went over to sit on one of the beds.

I slid the door closed behind me and went over to sit next to her. The moment of silence was broken when Zac began jumping up and down on the bed and almost landing on top of Jennifer!

"Woah, Zac-man! You're out to kill me aren't you?" she joked.

"Yea, you caught me. That was my plan," he returned with a grin.

We turned on the TV and ordered a quick movie since we needed something to kill our boredom. Eventually, Jennifer decided that she should be getting back home. Afterall, she did have still another day of school left. I gave her a quarter to take the town bus and she thanked me for saving her from rollarblading back in the dark.

I couldn't wait until tommorow. Jennifer would be free to go and we'd be out of here and back to T-town. What fun that would be! Just think of how spying fans would think if they saw Jen hanging out at our house. I smiled to myself knowing that there was a whole lot in store for me.

"Jennifer and Taylor, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Zac sang as we turned out the lights that night.

I just ignored him knowing that deep, down inside, I wished that song was true...

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