segment twenty-five

The night went by in a flash, and I woke up the next morning feeling fresh and full of relief. Also full of excitment. After the incident with Zac last night, I couldn't wait to put things into action. The whole thing was so interesting. It was like one of those continuous soap operas that leave you hanging with thoughts on whether this person will ever get together with that person.

At breakfast, Zac started acting strange. Rayma had spent the night with Jennifer and was still at the hotel. Dad took us all out to eat at a restraunt for breakfast. Zac sat across from Rayma and spent the whole meal staring at her. He was unusually quiet.

Jennifer noticed it right away. She shot Zac a puzzled look, but he didn't even seem to notice. Instead, he went back to picking at his scrambled eggs and bacon that were getting cold fast.

The sound of her whispering made me turn. "What's wrong with Zac? He's being too quiet," Jen asked.

I shrugged and took a bite of my bagel.

"Nuh uh! Don't shrug at me like that. I know you too well, and I can tell when something's up that you're not about to tell me."

"Love is in the air," I told her.

She sat there clueless.

"Come here." I cupped my hands around her ear. "Rayma."

Jennifer jumped back. She looked over at Rayma and then at Zac and then back at me. I nodded.

"Woah..." her reaction came out soft and slow. "I knew there was something going on... does she know?"

I quickly put my finger over my mouth, telling Jennifer to hush up before anyone heard.

"Yeah, okay. I'll be quiet."

"Good." Zac wasn't eating anymore, I noticed. He was off in dream land, staring straight at Rayma's fork which was digging at her eggs and pancakes.

I wasn't sure how he found something like that so interesting. She was only eating her breakfast, just like everyone else was. What was the big deal?

The idea of a couple like Zac and Rayma was just too cute too imagine. I wondered when she would realize that Zac likes her as much as she likes him. Or are they destined to both never know.

"Zac," I said.

Zac blinked once and looked away from his dream girl. "What now?"

The way he said that just made me jump back. He sounded... mad. Okay, so maybe I interupted a "happy time." Oh well, his bad.

"Zac, could you come with me to the guy's room for a moment. There's something I need to talk to you about!"

He got the hint and jumped to his feet eagerly.

Making it very obvious, Zac focused his eyes on Rayma as he followed me down through the many occupied tables full of people munching down on morning meals. It seemed like Zac was definitely attached to little Rayma.

I made sure to give him a pinch to snap him out of his lovestruck trance.

He only glared at me and turned towards the table again. I sighed.

"When are you going to ask her?" I asked him boredly.

Zac looked surprised. "Not today. I'm not in the mood, I guess."

"Uh huh, sure. I know what the problem is. You're just nervous. That's okay. There are always other times," I tried out reverse pshychology for the first time.

Zac frowned. "I am not afraid! I just don't feel like it!" he growled, just a little louder than before.

"Sure, try out the little brave act on me. I guess I just know you too well."

"No really, I swear! I'm not ready yet. What if she says-"

"Ha!" I grabbed the chance while it was fresh and new. "I knew it! You are afraid of rejection, Zac! You definitely are!"

"No I'm not!"

He stomped his foot frustratingly on the ground. Zac was fed up with my teasing. That was for sure.

"So then, why don't you ask her?" I pushed, just waiting to see what his answer would be.

There was a long pause.

"I will, I guess."

He was mumbling and looking down at the ground. I could barely understand him.

"Is it just me or did you say something? Maybe I have too much wax in my ears. Nope, that can't be. Not me! Nope, I think you said something a little too low to understad there, little buddy. Now, what is it you said? And please, speak up for your older brother. I'm having trouble hearing what you're saying. Pray tell. This is really something-"

"All right already! Yeesh!" he practically yelled. I leaned back and motioned for him to go on. "I said I will!"

"You said what?"

Zac sighed and tried his best not to get mad. "I said I'm going to ask her out, okay? Happy?"

"Oh, very much indeed, thank you very much."

I smiled triumphantly.

"Yeah whatever. Now just be quiet before I give you another hole to add to the one you aready have in the middle of your face!"

"Uh huh."

Zac hurried ahead back to the table. This time, he hurried up and finished his food as fast as lightning. Isaac has already finished eating and had left the table, according to our dad, to go listen to some music on the car radio.

After a few more bites, I figured I was full enough. The food wasn't really that good either. I wasn't starving or anything.

"Can I be excused?" I asked suddenly.

"Where are you going to go?" My dad asked me.

"The car."

"Sure, go ahead. Tell your brother that we'll be ready in a little while."

"Okay sure."

I pulled back my chair and slipped out of the crowds and out towards the parking lot. There was a faint sound of music coming from the van. We were parked over in a small shaded corner of the parking lot. It was right underneath the porch overhang that belonged to the restraunt.

As I peered through the window, I saw Ike was inside laying down on the driver's seat which was stretched out like a bed. He looked relaxed. When I tapped on the glass lightly, he stirred and opened his eyes. After staring at the ceiling for a few moments, he slowly crawled out of his comfortable bed and pulled up the lock to the door. I crawled inside and sat down in the passenger seat. Ike turned the music down low.

"Hi Tay," he mumbled and leaned back on the chair again.

"Good morning! I see someone needs their beauty sleep!"

I had barely enough time to dodge the flying garage door remote that he catapulted in my direction. It hit the door, just missing the window and landed on the floor where I let it stay.

"Funny," I cracked. "So, whatcha up to?"

"What does it look like?" Isaac slowly managed to mutter into the seat. His voice was muffled and almost impossible to hear.

"Fine then, go to sleep. I'll just wait here. Oh yeah, Dad said they'll be out soon."

There was no answer. I turned to see what Ike was up to, but there was no movement next to me. His eyes were shut.

I sighed and leaned the chair back a little. I breathed in and took in one of the only moments I had gotten in a long time to stretch out and get comfortable somewhere silent. Everything was peaceful in the van. The weather outside was perfect.

The sun beamed down through the van's windows, heating the whole place up. My chair was soft and cozy. Suddenly I realized just how tired I was. I had barely gotten any sleep the night before when I stayed awake joking around with Zac.

Maybe I could get in a few minutes of needed sleep - just like my genius of a brother who was smart enough to do. I closed my eyes and started to think about Jennifer, as I had been doing a lot lately. I found it very fun to think about her. To think about being around her and all the good time's we'd gone through lately. I was happy with her around for me. I knew that my idea to bring her along on the tour was something I sure as hell needed to give myself snaps for.

I wondered a lot what it would be like to be able to be completely alone with Jen, somewhere quiet where I could just hold her, and keep her for myself. I wanted to talk with her, but it seemed that whenever I got the chance, something always came up.

My thoughts drifted back to Zac. And the to Rayma. I realized suddenly that I could be missing out on a major highlight of the day. Zac in the act of asking a girl out on a date. It was a ticket selling opportunity. I couldn't believe that I was actually willing to give it up.

* * *

"Taylor, are you awake?" came a voice from close by. The noise of a car door opening invaded my ears.

"Jen?" I asked wearily, rolling over to face her.

"Hi Sleepy-head. You've been gone a few minutes and already your out like a light?"

I smiled at her. "If anyone's out like a light, it's Ike."

"So I noticed," she said, looking up at Isaac who was still in a deep sleep on the front seat.

"It's too early. Can you blame us? Dad shouldn't have taken us out. He should have just let us sleep late in bed."

"There's something called company, and I think Rayma was enough of a reason to take us all out for breakfast."

"Yeah, whatver. Have the wedding bells rung yet?" I asked, sitting up.

"No, Zac is in there talking with Rayma. She's still eating. I think we're going to have to wait a little longer before we go anywhere or before he decides to bring up the subject of a date with her," she sighed.

"Good," I said out of relief. "That gives us more time to be alone."

Jennifer flashed me a sweet smile. "Well, can I come in then?"

"Oh yeah, sure!" I crawled into the back seat and let Jen in through the center doors.

She crawled in and sat down beside me. I put my arms around her and hugged her tighter, pulling her closer to me. She felt warm against my body which made me feel happy and relaxed.

"Taylor, what if Ike wakes up," she said quietly. "Umm... I sort of don't like the idea of him seeing us like this."

"Don't worry," I assured her brightly. "I know for a fact that he's super tired and won't be able to handle getting up for a while."

She exhaled slowly, as if relieving herself of morning stress and rested her head on my shoulder. I wanted to sit there like that all day. It felt as if nothing in the world could go wrong anymore. Jen was nearby.

"Hey Jen?" I whispered.


"Do you want to go out someplace this week? Like to the movies or something? We haven't done anything like that in a while."

"Tay, I'd love to. Anytime."

"Well, what do you want to see?"

I felt her shrug. "What's playing?"

"Actually, I'm not too sure myself."


"We'll just have to go check out the listings when we get back to the hotel. They're bound to have something like that there."


Silence. I brushed Jen's hair back behind her ears and sat there slowly stroking her cheek. She stared off into space, but I knew she was smiling. I grabbed her hand with my free arm and gently ran my fingers through hers, playfully.

Jennifer nuzzled up against my neck. She unlocked her fingers and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, embracing me in a warm hug. Our eyes met, and the moment felt right. She leaned in and began to kiss me. I willingly kissed her back. I could even taste her cotton candy lip gloss that she was wearing. It was just one of those sudden moments. When she finally pulled away, she looked briefly up into my eyes once again before resting on my shoulder again the way she had just a few moments ago.

I cuddled her in even closer and inhaled. She smelled like sunflowers.



"When are we going to tell the fans about us?"

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