segment twenty-one

The entire Pavilion smelled like food, probably because it was jam-packed with refreshment stands in every area. Detroit was full of fans, making the show a complete sell-out. The concert was scheduled to start in about an hour and fifteen minutes and the seats were filling up more and more with each minute that went by.

My brothers and I, along with Jennifer and dad, had been there all day. We practiced our butts off until everything was perfect. Every note, every breath, every key change. Everything had to happen right on schedule and we couldn't afford a single mistake. Not that anyone would really notice, but it was that guilty feeling inside that leaves you down in the dumps afterwards that I just couldn't take.

I was sitting in a small corner of the dressing room, plucking the keys on my miniature keyboard. One of those small ones that fit in your lap. Isaac and Zac weren't there at the moment. They were probably out getting ready for the show somewhere. I was getting a small feeling of excitment which continued to build up deep inside the pit of my stomach. It seems that I always get that feeling before I'm about to perform.


I looked up to see my dad walk into the room. He looked down at me and smiled - he was beaming with pride.

"Yeah Dad?"

"Taylor, Ike and Zac are waiting out by the VIP area. It's time for the meet 'n greet. We've been looking all over the place for you."

"Oh, oops. Sorry about that," I apologized and carefully set down the keyboard onto the floor.

"That's okay. No harm done. But hurry up, we don't want to leave anyone disappointed because you decided not to show up."

I laughed. "Well, I didn't think I was that important, but oh well, whatever."

"Oh yeah, grab that package of Dr. Pepper cans on your way out, ok? I already brought out the rest."

I nodded and stood up.

Dad left the room, expecting me to follow. As I headed towards the door, I made sure to grab a handful of potato chips from the almost empty bag sitting on one of the tables in the room and quickly inhaled them. Now for the soda cans. I guess we were planning on stuffing the fans full of food again, as usual, just to leave them happy for the concert.

Ok, now if you don't know what our regular concert meet 'n greet is, then let me explain. Basically what happens is that all the fans with backstage passes get to come backstage before the show. There's the usual shaking of hands and hellos, and then they leave. Short and sweet.

The weight of the soda cans were weighing me down as I made my way through the hallway and out to the VIP area which is basically an outdoor picnic area behind a fence. There were ear-splitting screams coming from the other side. Every few minutes a hand would shoot up over the top of the fence, waving frantically. It was crazy out there.

Isaac and Zac were seated at a picnic table munching on some vegetables and onion dip. I quickly hurried over to join them.

"Where should I put these at?" I asked them, referring to the heavy package of Dr. Pepper cans.

Ike shrugged, but Zac seemed to have an idea. "I think dad put them over on that table over there with the food."

"Thanks, Zac," I told him and set the cans down on the table along with a few other packages.

That's when I spotted Jennifer standing in front of the other end of the snack table. She was leaning over to get a better look at what was there. I smiled to myself and walked up behind her quietly.

She didn't even suspect a thing. I wrapped my arms around her in a flash. She barely had time to realize what I was doing. Jennifer gasped loudly and began squirming in my grasp, until she managed to turn around and realize who was guilty of scaring her to death.

"Oh, God, it's you!" she said, shaking slightly, still trying to get over her sudden shock. "Why the hell did have to freak me out like that?!"

I laughed. "Sorry, felt the need," I said innocently.

"Uh huh, whatever. Now could you please let go of me?" she asked.

"Why? I'm beginning like this position. Why can't I just sit here and hold you like this for the rest of the night?"

Jen laughed slightly. "Because, your fans are about to come marching in here and I don't think they'd like it very much if they saw us like this."

"Aww, shucks. Why do you always have to be right?"

"It's a gift," she told me.

I let go of her, but not without putting on a sad look. For some reason, whenever I made a face like that, it always seemed to work miracles on her.

"Awww, the poor little baby," her voice was sarcastic. "Here, have a carrot."

She thrusted the small orange thing in my face and I jumped back quickly. That certainly wasn't the reaction that I was expecting.

"Uh... no thanks."

"Alright then," she said, popping it into her mouth.

Now it was my turn to laugh. Jen looked halarious, standing there, munching on a carrot in that cute little way she had of doing things. What a kodak moment!

My eyes roamed the table for something edible. We hadn't had the time to really sit down and have anything to eat that whole day. We were too busy practicing. I went over the list of everything I had eaten that day. The only food I could remember was a few cans of Dr. Pepper and a Granola bar. Not much, huh?

Nope, not much, and the feeling of hunger was beginning to catch up with me. I scanned the table. There wasn't a large selection. Just a few party treats. The usual. Chips, veggies and dip, cookies, soda, and popcorn. Nothing really interesting, and I was already stuffed full of Dr. Pepper. Well, I needed something to eat before I starved.

Jen started munching on another carrot stick dripping with onion dip. I was busy watching her entertain herself by crunching on one after another while trying not to stain her shirt with the little drops of dip that were making a mess on the floor. One of our bodyguards, Jeff, approached us in a hurry. The look on his face told me he had something important to tell me. I was right.

"Taylor, they're about to start, I think you should get a move on towards the gate. Isaac and Zachary are already there!"

I nodded. "Yeah, ok, thanks. I'll be there in a second."

"Good." Jeff turned towards Jennifer and nodded his head. "Hello Jennifer. It's nice meeting you again."

"Nice meeting you again too," she answered back and stuck a potato chip into her mouth.

Jeff hurried away to the side to help get ready for the show. I tugged on Jen's free hand and headed down to the gate.

"Tay, stop tugging on my arm. I get the point, but I think I'll just wait back here, you know, out of sight," Jen insisted and held back.

"Why? Don't you want to... join the party?"

"Well yeah, I do, but, Taylor, I don't want the fans seeing too much of you and me together."

I frowned. "Oh, that's right. I see your point."

Jennifer shrugged slightly. "I'll just hang out over here. I'll be here if you need me, okay?"



It was Isaac. He was screaming at me to hurry up.

"Oh, they just can't live without me down there, can they?" I joked and took off down the hill at a running pace.

The screams on the other side of the fence got louder with every step I took. Ike and Zac were standing by the entrance patiently, with looks of excitment pasted across their faces.

As the fence door creaked open, we spotted the pavilion guard, struggling to keep the screaming girls away from the entrance. He was waving his hands in all directions and yelling for people to step back. I heard my name being called out about a million times at once.

That's when I spotted the refreshment stands. There was a whole group of them not very far away. They were calling out to me, calling me to buy the food. So much more appetizing than the billions of snacks waiting for me, back where Jen was hanging out.

My thoughts were interupted in a flash. The Meet 'n Greet was starting! Fans were being let backstage in small groups. I caught glimpses of the small orange stickers stuck onto their shirts.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I asked a girl who walked in and shook my hand.

She just smiled and giggled slightly. This was certinly going to be fun.

I followed the crowd back up to the top of the hill, and Jennifer turned to watch us all make our way towards her. Ike and Zac chose a picnic table and sat down, ready to sign autographs. A few fans crowded around Zac when he offered to sign everyone's posters and pictures that they brought inside with them.

I looked around, getting a feel for who was there and who wasn't. Most of the people backstage were teenage girls, about my age, but there were a few boys and small toddlers tagging along with their parents.

"Hi," a small voice said.

I turned and looked down at a small girl. She was looking up at me wide-eyed with a little toothless grin. The girl was wearing a Mickey Mouse t-shirt with a big orange stain on it. I smiled down at her.

"Hi," I answered her. "What's your name?"

"I'm Melissa," she said in a cute little voice. "What's your name?"

"My name's Taylor, but you can call me Tay," I beamed.

"Hi Tay! Do you like playing paper dolls?"

"Oh, sometimes. Not really, but I do sometimes!" I told her encouraging.

"I love paper dolls!"

"That's cool!" I told her.

The little toddler blushed and made a gurgling sound.

"Well, I have to go now. Bye!" she said suddenly and took off towards a woman who seemed to be her mom. She automatically picked Melissa up and hugged her.

I smiled to myself and turned to the line of fans waiting for an autograph.

I took a moment out to glnce up in Jen's direction. She was staring down at me from her spot near the snack table and she smiled when she saw me look up at her. I waved slightly and got Jennifer to wave back in return.

I wanted to talk to her. I needed her closer to me. I turned around to get Jeff's attention. The bodyguard was standing patiently behind us.

"Hey, Jeff, come here," I told him and motioned for him.

"What now?" he asked me as if I was just another bother in his day.

"Here," I said, reaching into my pocket and pulling out a twenty. "Take Jennifer out into the pavilion and let her get some real food. Tell her to get me a pretzel while she's at it, okay?"

Jeff nodded slowly and took the twenty dollar bill. I watched him walk up to where Jennifer was standing and give her the money. She smiled and mouthed out "thank you" to me. I felt proud of myself, finding a way to please myself and Jen at the same time.

She and Jeff were leaving the backstage area, with all access passes swinging around their necks, enabling them to get back inside easily.

"Okay! Picture time!" I heard my dad yell out. "Everyone stand over here!"

Ike, Zac, and I all got up and hurried over to the small area that our dad picked out perfectly for a big group picture. It was a tradition really. At every concert we always left with a picture of the entire group of backstage pass winners. The only difference is, this time, Jennifer wouldn't be there for the picture. Not that it made much of a difference. She was already in every single other picture we had taken.

There were about two dozen fans total, all bunched up together in one picture perfect group! I found a spot next to a girl about my height with super long, jet-black hair. My dad got down on his knees, preparing himself to take a snapshot full of memories. He looked just like a professional from one of our photo shoots.

"Alright, everyone! Pose!" he told us.

I instantly placed my arm around the girl next to me, and I felt her tense up in shock, and then relax when she realized it was only me. She looked up at me quickly and smiled happily.

My dad yelled out another instruction. "Ok, say cheese!"

"Cheddar, limberger, swiss, motserella, and a partridge in a pair tree!" I heard Zac yell out, making everyone laugh.

A second later, the soft sound of a click could be heard. There, picture time was over. We were told that we could go back to what we were doing before and I returned to the same table that we had been signing autographs at.

As I pushed through the crowd of people, for a split second, I thought I recognized one of the girls there. But how was that possible? It was very unlikely that I would ever see her again after the incident that took place only a few days ago. She was talking with one of her friends while they were standing in front of Ike patiently. It was obvious that he was signing an autograph for them. They looked happy about that fact too!

The girl. Well, I recognized her description too well. She was about Zac's height, with long brown hair that flopped about, everytime she shook her head. Her skin was delicate and soft looking, the same way as Jennifer.

All I could do was stand and stare. I knew there were fans around me, all requesting an autograph at the same time. Yet, all I could do was stand there like an idiot. It was like a scene out of a dream. This had to be the same exact girl. It was the same girl from that day I spent hanging around the hotel with Zac. That same girl who wanted our room number so badly. The same girl who had really wanted an autograph. And now she was getting her wish.

* * *

As the time for the concert to begin crept closer, I got more nervous and nervous. It was the sudden sound of a voice behind me that pulled me out of the distant state of signing some more autographs. Someone was tapping me on the sshoulder. I turned quickly to face, Jeff, he was out of breath and holding a pretzel in his hand.

"Here!" he said simply and trusted it in my face.

"Thanks Jeff. I owe you one!" I exclaimed, taking the food happily and immediately ripping off a piece to munch.

"So how's it going?" he asked me.

I started licking the salt off my fingers so I could autograph stuff without greasy fingers. I looked off in the distance at the sun which was going down slowly. It made everything more fun in the dark. Lights flashed in all directions, hyping up the crowd and letting them move with the flow of the music and the whole atmosphere of the place.


"Oh, uh, sorry. I'm fine. Everything's cool."

"Good, good. I'm glad to here that."

Something didn't feel right. Something was missing. Something was definitely missing. It didn't feel right. I looked around and grabbed another piece of pretzel. I glanced up at the snack table, and then I realized what was missing...

"Hey, um, Jeff?"


"Uh.... where's Jennifer?" I asked him and continuied to look around, hoping to spot her lounging around somewhere unexpected.

Jeff stopped his "at attention" pose and looked around. The expression on his face told me that something was wrong. He looked back in the direction of the front gate, only finding another fellow security guard keeping watch over there. I saw his eyes searching frantically around the area. I helped.

"I.... I.... I don't know!" he confessed finally.

There was silence for a moment. I stared up at him, my mouth hanging open. I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I only needed to find Jen at that moment.

"She was right behind me," he continued. "And then I came in and handed you the pretzel... and I guess I just forgot about her."

He stopped to think.

"But she couldn't be on the other side of the gate still, could she? After all, she does have an all-access pass! It doesn't make sense. She should be around here somewhere..."

He's right! I thought wildly. She should be around here somewhere! She just has to be! But I was only fooling myself. My eyes drifted to the fan standing in front of me, waiting patiently for my full attention. She was holding out a piece of paper, the corners of her mouth curved up in a wide grin.

It was the girl from the hotel.

I needed to get away. I needed to find Jen. Before I realized what I was doing, I backed up from the table, nearly tripping over the table in a rush, trying to get up.

"Jeff!" I practically yelled at him, "You search over there by the picnic tables and I'll keep looking. Try to find Jen, ok?"

He nodded and the two of us.

"Taylor! Wait!" I heard someone call out. Maybe it was that girl. The one asking for our room number at the hotel. But I didn't care. Instead, I pretended to have not even heard her at all.

I was already heading towards the backstage gate. Pushing past the groups of people backstage was almost impossible. There were people everywhere, asking to shake my hand, or talk with me for a moment, or just gt me to sign a simple autograph.

They were holding me back, preventing me from escaping. Who knew what trouble Jen had gotten herself into. Maybe I was just overreacting way too much. Maybe she was just hidden somewhere in the crowd talking with a fan. Or what if it was serious. What if Jennifer was trapped somewhere, unable to get out. What if Jeff left her outside in a crowd somewhere where it's impossible to push your way free.

There were screams coming from all directions when I peeked through the gate, which left the backstage area. I hadn't had time to stop and think about the fans waiting on the other side. A thousand hands reached for me, while I searched for a single girl in a packed crowd. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

"She has to be here somewhere!" I told myself softly and waved to the crowd just to please them.

But all the searching wasn't doing any good. Jen was gone. She was lost, missing, hidden somewhere. But wherever she was, she certainly wasn't anywhere backstage, nor was she near the gate.

There was nothing I could do. Jennifer was gone. My Jen was gone. She had disappeared...

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